Close up on a pile of saffron with purple background.

Saffron – its specialities

Nöthen supplies saffron to the food and pharmaceutical industry, as well as the food retail trade, in the form of saffron threads or ground saffron in the following product qualities:

Super Negin

Crocin 280+


Crocin 260-280


Crocin 250-260

Crocin 220-240

Crocin 220-240

Bunch Dasteh

Crocin 150-180


Packaging sizes:
Threads or ground

  • 0,1 gram
  • 0,5 gram
  • 1,0 gram
  • 250 gram
  • 500 gram
  • 1000 gram

Other packaging units are available on request.

Packaging forms and delivery

The saffron is packaged in tins, sachets or flavour bags. The deliveries are grouped into carton units and reach the customer within two working days.